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Panel: Doctor Who Sightseeing Abroad

From the center of London to the edges of Cardiff, from Classic series filming locations to a real walk-through episode you can experience for yourself, the UK has a wealth of places to go for fans of Doctor Who, Torchwood, and the entire Whoniverse.

Doctor Who Sightseeing Abroad was first presented at (Re)Generation Who 1 in Hunt Valley, MD.  The panel features a large -- albeit not complete, as we only have 50 minutes -- list of filming locations and points of interest located around England and Wales. The panel also covers travel tips, the history of said locations, and a Q&A session for fellow world travelers who would like to know where to get started.

This panel is appropriate for all ages, and is presented solo with a PowerPoint presentation.

Previously Presented At:

Time: 50 minutes
Requirements: HDMI hook-up, projector, screen

If you would like Kara to present this panel at your event, please contact with more information, dates, and budget.

Kara Dennison is a writer, editor, and presenter in Newport News, VA. She is one of the co-founders and senior staff of (Re)Generation Who, the mid-Atlantic's premiere Doctor Who convention. Her work within the Whoniverse includes published work in the You and Who anthology line, and short stories in The Perennial Miss Wildthyme, City of the Saved: Tales of the Civil War, and the charity anthology A Target for Tommy, all from Obvsere Books.