Published Works and Appearances
Books (Fiction)
- The City of the Saved: Vanishing Tales of the City (Obverse Books)
- The Chronosmith Chronicles 2: Eleanor's Tears (Altrix Books)
- Owl's Flower (with Ginger Hoesly)
- Owl's Flower 2: Ghost Fall (with Ginger Hoesly)
Books (Non Fiction)
- The Black Archive #21: Heaven Sent (Obverse Books)
- "Cold War, Family Style": You & Who: Contact Has Been Made (Watching Books)
- "K-ON!"/"The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya": The Essential Anime Guide
- Me and the Starman (Chinbeard Books)
- "Time Heist"/"Planet of the Dead"/"The Girl Who Waited"/"The Greatest Show in the Galaxy"/"The Missing Episodes": Army of Ghosts (Altrix Books)
- You & 42: THE HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO DOUGLAS ADAMS (Who Dares Publishing)
- You & Who Else (Watching Books)
Short Stories
- "Clarity": Relics (Red Ted Books)
- "The Demons of DoG Street": Forgotten Lives 2 (Obverse Books)
- "Dolores Smith and the Birthday Bear": The Perennial Miss Wildthyme (Obverse Books)
- "The Gauntlet of Absolution": Forgotten Lives (Obverse Books)
- "Kill the Cat": Unearthed (Altrix Books)
- "Let Them Eat": Build High for Happiness (Obverse Books)
- "The Maze Will Come to Me": Shadows Over Avalon Vol. 2 (18thWall)
- "Page Turners": Associates of Sherlock Holmes (Titan Books)
- "Role with Disadvantage": Pizza Parties and Poltergeists (18thWall)
- "Son of the Wolf": Sockhops and Seances (18thWall)
- "The Swan and the Flame": Forgotten Lives 3 (Obverse Books)
- "The Tale of Sir Hedwyn: Or, the Laughing Knight": City of the Saved: Tales of the Civil War (Obverse Books)
- "Wandering Child": City of the Saved: Stranger Tales of the City (Obverse Books)
- "Wholly Holy": Overdue (18thWall)
As Editor
- Ice Hot (Obverse Books)
- Shadow of the Gallifreyan, Book 1 (co-editor with Paul Driscoll) (Altrix Books)
- Unearthed (Altrix Books)
- A Kid's Guide to Anime and Manga: Interviewee
Media Appearances
- Doctor Who and the Daleks (Severin Films): Featurette Appearance ("Kara and the Daleks")
- Very British Futures: "Space: 1999" (panelist)