About Kara Dennison - Kara Dennison
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About Kara Dennison

Art by Ginger Hoesly

Kara Dennison is an author, critic, and journalist based in southeastern Virginia. Starting in 2004, she worked as a special features editor for ArcaMax Publishing, learning the ins and outs of web journalism during its formative years.

After a decade in the field, Kara went on to become a localization editor for anime and visual novels, with credits at Crunchyroll, Discotek, Sekai Project, and others. She would eventually take on a position in the Crunchyroll newsroom, where she works to this day.

In 2015, Kara received her first fiction publishing credit in the anthology The Perennial Miss Wildthyme from Obverse Books. She would go on to contribute to the Titan Books anthology Associates of Sherlock Holmes, edited by George Mann.

In the years since, Kara has had bylines at Fanbyte, Mashable, Otaku USA Magazine, and Sci-Fi Magazine (where she oversaw the book review column until the magazine shuttered). She has also written short stories, novellas, novels, and critical works for Chinbeard Books, Obverse Books (in their Black Archive, Iris Wildthyme, City of the Saved, and Faction Paradox lines), and 18thWall. She has also contributed to many charity zines and anthologies, helping to raise funds for charities on both sides of the Atlantic.

Alongside Paul Driscoll, Kara is the co-founder of Altrix Books. She is also 50% of the creative unit TopShelf2 (with artist Ginger Hoesly). Both Altrix and TopShelf2 will be resuming activities in 2024.

Kara is available for writing projects.