PRE-ORDER: Outside In Regenerates - Kara Dennison
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PRE-ORDER: Outside In Regenerates

By 3:00 AM


The intent had simply been to alert everyone before disaster struck. The upshot… well, I suppose we’ve all learned something here today. But I could hardly have predicted how my passengers would behave under the circumstances. Even the one I ought to know better than anyone.


One of my favorite genres of anthology in recent years is the fan essay anthology. I've been in multiple You and Who anthologies, contributing perspectives on Doctor Who and other pieces of entertainment. Anthologies like these are fascinating fandom microcosms: rather than scholarly treatises (which have their place, and I've done those as well), they're personal reflections. Rather than discussing the critical merits and flaws of a piece, they place it in a larger tapestry of experiences. We learn about the thing being discussed, but also the people who engage with it.

The Outside In series is slightly different. Rather than memoirs or strict essays, these are a blend of review and creative writing. Outside In Regenerates features 163 authors, 163 Doctor Who stories, and (almost certainly) 163 ways to express oneself in text. It's a full refresh of the very first Outside In book, covering 160 Doctor Who stories for the 50th anniversary.

I'm among the 163, giving my review of The Edge of Destruction. This is one of my favorite early Who episodes, for all the character development it gives our very first Team TARDIS. Stacey Smith? gave me excellent guidance on how to really lean into the conceit I'd chosen to talk about this episode.

Outside In Regenerates is coming out just in time for the 60th anniversary of Doctor Who, and it also happens to be a 10th anniversary celebration for Outside In. Pre-orders are open now, with the book dropping on November 23: the anniversary proper.

If this kind of book appeals to you, be sure to check out the ATB Publishing store for similar anthologies covering Star Trek, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The X-Files, Twin Peaks, and more. There are also several stand-alone books, including the official biography of filmmaker Mick Garris.

And if you'd like to see more by me in this vein (although slightly less experimental), check out these anthologies:

* Army of Ghosts: Essays on Doctor Who's Sometimes Forgotten Stories
* Me and the Starman
* Shadow of the Gallifreyan
* You and Who: Contact Has Been Made

And if you really can't get enough of my thoughts on Who stuff, I've written an entire book about Heaven Sent.

Thanks as always for supporting my writing and the publishers I work with!

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