BOOK TOUR: Turmali and the Light Savers - Kara Dennison
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BOOK TOUR: Turmali and the Light Savers

By 5:18 AM


The World of Turmali has been invaded by Aliens who have set out to destroy the Rainbow Bridges and leave the seven lands isolated and dark. 

Will the 12 Light Saver characters from Earth and their robot friend help the Turmali people defeat the Alien invaders? 

Our multi-national Light Savers promote an ethos of diversity and inclusivity. The twelve children must problem-solve, grow in confidence, show determination and make important decisions in order to achieve their aims. 

The stories include a multitude of interesting topics to keep readers engaged and informed.


Turmali and the Light Savers is a 14-book series for young readers. The first, appropriately titled How it all began, introduces the world of Turmali. This far-off land, initially Earth-like, is made up of continents floating in the sky rather than separated by seas. There was a time when these seven continents could be easily spanned via rainbow bridges. But due to the invasion of evil aliens and their quest to obtain the world's magical tourmaline deposits, the world and its connections have gone dark.

How it all began aims to introduce young readers to the series as a whole, laying out the lore of the world and the cast of characters. From there, children can choose which of the other 13 books to pursue first—one for each of the 12 Light Savers, and one for their robot IKE.

More information on the series, as well as a bookshop where you can pick up all the books so far, can be found on the official website.


This blog post is part of a book tour organized by The Book Network.

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