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Coming to Otaku USA's October 2023 Issue!

By 3:00 AM


Each issue of Otaku USA is written pretty far in advance, so I never remember 'til my copy comes in the mail what I have in a given issue. Sometimes I have to be reminded by one of the editors that we (and occasionally I specifically) have already covered a show. Alternately, that could be my own horrible memory at work.

But never mind, the October 2023 issue is being mailed out and will be on newsstands soon, and I'm in it. I've just got one contribution this time, but it's one I'm pretty happy about: a feature on Bibliophile Princess.

I slept on this show when it first dropped for some reason, and I wish I hadn't because it's right up my street. I go into detail in the feature, of course. But the short version is, it's an absolutely adorable story about a cute bookworm and the prince who loves her. I especially like the focus on trust in relationships and the regular sidebars about the power fashion and style have over actual life-improving technological advances. This probably sounds ludicrous applied to a fluffy romance series, but trust me, that's a theme.

That's the entirety of my contribution to this issue, but I have much more coming to future issues. In the meantime, you can always check me out on the OUSA website, where I post features every other day on whatever strikes my fancy in the world of anime at any given time.

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