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Something more personal.

By 3:00 AM

Lately, I've been posting less and less personal stuff on here. I think there are a lot of reasons for that.

On the surface, there's the fact that I'm back to reading more and, while I do work with IndieReader on a few reviews each month, I don't have the platform I once had to share book reviews. I like sharing my thoughts on books, partly because I know what it's like to try to get people to read your work, partly because it helps me continue to process what I like and don't like in literature and apply that to my own writing.

There's also the fact that I haven't been writing as much lately. I'm a couple thousand words from proving to myself that I've slain two years of writer's block. And perhaps when that's shifted, I'll be able to talk more about things I've made that I'd like you to see. But the need to be present and the embarrassment of being a writer who doesn't write leads to seeking out anything to fill that gap. I at least attempt to go for things that people will like and that would make me happy anyway. But it hurts that I have less to say after having done less.

Deep down, though, I think it's a worry that dipping into anything that isn't "Read this book!" or "Try this thing!" will scratch too close to things that aren't for public consumption. For what it's worth, I don't believe we should bottle up our pain or our grief or our difficulties. But there are "proper" channels for expressing those things—for our own good, not to "keep us presentable." Venting rarely makes me feel better; gaining understanding does. There are venues for that, and I'm fortunate to have them. Everyone needs those venues for processing.

In my case, the processing is still underway. It finds its way into the things I create, and probably always will. But there's a difference between that and laying it all out for the world to see in a public forum. I've flown very close to that recently. Possibly too close. Until those things are at least slightly more in my rearview, "personal" posts will require a lighter touch. I don't think there's anything wrong with that.

But to that end, I wanted to put something out there that isn't just me telling you to look at other things.

How's the Writing?

It's better. I'm coming out the other side of two years of writer's block, which exists for the same reasons I'm keeping "personal" things closer to the chest. I'm coming to the end of Project 003, a short story for an unannounced publication, very soon.

Ginger and I are redoubling our efforts to collaborate on fun things to look at. One of my "in progress" languishing works is part of that. There will be more Owl's Flower. There will also be this. I'll call it Project Gremlin for now. But there are a few structural things we want to do to really get everything out there. I'll admit I feel abysmal at how bad a collaborator I've been in this time. I look forward to changing that.

I also owe Obverse and 18thWall - two publishers I love working with and whose owners I am happy to count among my friends - several works of varying lengths. Project Dutchman and Project Quiet are similar in style but different in practice. Project Taured will be a fun one - also languishing half-finished, but one that I think you'll enjoy if you've liked my other 18thWall work so far.

Once I'm caught up to what I owe people and have a more balanced schedule of writing, day job, and seeking out places to submit stories to, I'm considering opening up a SubStack where I can test ideas out as serialized stories. Forgotten Lives readers know I'm a sucker for that format. I still haven't decided yet, though.

How's Life?

I'm back into the full swing of making something of my family home. Earlier this week I finally cleared the IKEA bed out of the small third bedroom I intend to turn into a cozy library/writing room. Can't wait to share pictures of that. I'm going to overdecorate it and fill it with candles and a big comfy chair.

The fairest way to say how I'm doing on the life front without broaching my own privacy barriers is "I persist." More and more, I believe that's a big deal.

What's Next?

Once my wits are about me, a lot of things. I'd like to do something to present my book reviews in a more accessible way—whether that means a separate blog/site or something else, I don't know yet. I also want to look at doing personal seasonal reading recs, especially with spooky season kicking in. My own library is flooded with unhinged horror, so I should very much like to share.

Conventions are still off the cards for now, but I'm hoping they won't be forever. That's the only way I'm going to be able to do a lot of things and see a lot of people. But I know I won't be staffing them ever again; 

I do have some things coming out in print. Two from 18thWall in the nebulous future, and some things from Obverse in a similarly nebulous future. Altrix is also getting back on its feet, as both Paul Driscoll and myself have been through it lately. But there are plans.

Wherever it is you're at in your life, I hope things are going as well as is possible. And I hope soon I'm writing more things that give you a lift in case things aren't going as well as they could be.

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